Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Checks
As part of the safer recruitment process those working in a paid or voluntary capacity with children, young people or vulnerable adults may require a DBS check.
DBS checks are now only be valid for 3 years. All DBS checks in the Dicoese are at enhanced level, we do not process Basic DBS checks. Also the Diocese does not keep DBS records for those who work/volunteer in parishes – it is vital that your church ensures that you have good records and initiate renewals when they are due.
All DBS applications are processed online using an e-Bulk system, which is managed by Thirtyone:eight (formerly CCPAS). You should appoint a Lead Recruiter to manage the DBS process and may also choose to appoint an additional recruiter. Newly appointed Lead Recruiters need to contact Debbie Doran, St James’ House, Tel: 0151 705 2124 or email: deborah.doran@liverpool.anglican.org to complete the documentation to register with Thirtyone:eight. The following are Model Job Descriptions for a Lead Recruiter and Additional Recruiter.
If you are a lead recruiter you will be able to access an eligibility tool provided by 31:8 which you can access via their website here. You will need to create an account using the same email address you use for managing applications but you will need to create a new password which will be specifically for accessing the eligibility tool.
DBS checks are free for volunteers, for paid workers the current cost of a DBS check is £55.50, the Diocese will invoice you for any paid worker checks completed. Please note if you use the Digital ID check facility offered by 31:8 there is a charge of £5.40 per check for this regardless of whether a person is a volunteer or a paid employee. If your church uses this facility the Diocese will invoice your church for any digital checks completed.
To log onto the 31:8 please use the following links:
- Apply for a DBS check
- Manage applications (for lead and additional recruiters)
Updated Guidance for verifing DBS checks
Government information on what documents you can use to verify a persons ID can be found here.
Using the DBS update service
If you have a church member who is registered with the DBS update then churches can use this service to check the status of their DBS disclosure. Use this Flow chart to help guide you through the process. The following document provided by 31:8 gives details of the update service – Updated guidelines. You can log into the DBS update service using the following link: https://www.gov.uk/dbs-update-service
DBS checks for PCC members (trustees)
The Charity Commission recommends that trustees always obtain a DBS check when eligible to do so as it an important tool in ensuring that the person is suitable to act as such. If a governing body is registered as a charity and provided it sponsors and approves, in its own name, children’s, young people or vulnerable adult’s work then the members of the governing body will be eligible for an Enhanced DBS without barred list check. This may relate to PCCs, Cathedrals Chapters, Religious Communities, NCI Pension Board etc. In such cases all members of the governing body will be eligible. For full details of the guidance relating to PCC’s see section C of the Church of England DBS eligibility guidance
DBS checks for Parish Safeguarding Officers
See the following guidance for details of what DBS checks can be obtained for Parish Safeguarding Officers – DBS checks for Parish Safeguarding Officers
DBS checks for anyone applying for a new role in the same diocese/cathedral/team or hubs
In this case, you do not require a second criminal record check ie their current will be portable, this is provided:
- the result of the criminal record check has been seen and does not need renewing
- and the new role is: with the same “workforce” (i.e. either working with children or working with adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect); and eligible for the same/lower level of criminal record check as the previous role
DBS checks for overseas applicants
The DBS cannot currently access overseas criminal records or other relevant information as part of its disclosure service. If you are recruiting people from overseas or if an applicant has either lived and/or spent a period of time abroad you will be required to follow the guidance issued by the UK government ‘Criminal record checks for overseas applicants’ – to access this guidance please use the following link
Right to work checks – A DBS checks does not indicate if an applicant is permitted to work within the UK. Therefore parishes must follow government guidelines regarding right to work checks as the implications for not checking an individual’s right to work checks in the UK can be costly. If you carry our a right to work check then please keep a record of this as evidence. For further guidance regarding checking an applicants right to work in the UK please visit the government website – right to work, you can also access the government quick answer tool.
Volunteering for Asylum Seekers & Refugees
Asylum seekers & refugees can volunteer whilst their claim is being considered. For the government guidelines regarding volunteering please refer to the following government guidance ‘permission to work and volunteering for asylum seekers‘. They must complete the safer recruitment process which is applicable to their role and the relevant level of safeguarding training applicable to their role.
For any queries around how the DBS process works in the Diocese, please contact Debbie Doran, Safeguarding Support, hours of work Tuesday and Wednesday 8.30-5.30pm, tel: 0151 705 2124 or email: deborah.doran@liverpool.anglican.org or contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team via email. For enquiries about the 31:8 eBulk system (including login and password queries) or eligibility for DBS checks for specific roles in your parish, please contact Thirtyone:eight on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 1.