The role of a Parish Safeguarding Officer
The Parish Safeguarding Officer is a vital role in building a strong safeguarding culture within our parishes and we are grateful for all those within the Diocese who step forward to take on this responsibility. They are the key link between the Diocese and parishes concerning safeguarding matters. They will have an overview of all church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults, and will seek to ensure the implementation of safeguarding policy.
Appointing a New Parish Safeguarding Officer
When appointing a new Parish Safeguarding Officer the following Safer Recruitment Process should be followed:
- Have their appointment approved by PCC – this should be recorded in the minutes.
- Provide them with the role description which they should read and understand. For details of the tasks involved in the role of the PSO please read the PSO’s role description.
- Complete an application form and provide two references which should be requested and verified
- Complete a confidential-declaration form
- If eligible obtain an enhanced dbs check, see the following guidance – DBS checks for Parish Safeguarding Officers to help you decide if your PSO is eligible for a DBS check.
- Once the above are complete issue a volunteer agreement and letter of appointment.
- Whilst waiting for the recruitment process to be completed take the online basic and foundation safeguarding training via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal – and then once in post complete the additional required safeguarding training applicable for a PSO (for details of required training please see the section on safeguarding requirements)
Information for New Parish Safeguarding Officers
If you are new to the role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer then thank you for volunteering for this essential role. As the Diocesan Safeguarding Team we are here to provide you with support and answer any questions you may have.
As a new in Post Parish Safeguarding Officer ensure that you complete the following steps:
- Contact Debbie Doran, tel 0151 705 2124, email with details of your name, address, telephone number, email address and which church you will be serving in this role, this will ensure that in future you will receive correspondence relevant to your role
- Ensure you have read and understand the tasks involved in the role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer and have completed the safer recruitment process applicable to the role of the PSO.
- Complete basic and foundation safeguarding training whilst waiting to be appointed to the role. Attend a Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction Session as soon as possible after commencing your role, these sessions will give you an understanding of what a Parish Safeguarding Officer does and as a result of attending the training you will be equipped with all the tools you need to carry out this role successfully.
- Continue to complete the relevant level of Safeguarding Training – (see training requirements section for details).
Parish Safeguarding Officer Forums
Join us at our Parish Safeguarding Officer Forums which will give you a chance to meet with other PSO’s and members of the Safeguarding Team. It will be your opportunity to catch up on current guidance, share good practice, ask questions, network and in addition at each forum, we will focus on a specialist topic. PSO forums will be held once per quarter, for details of the next forum please contact either Debbie Doran or Karen Williams.
Safeguarding Training requirements for a Parish Safeguarding Officer
As a Parish Safeguarding Officer you are required to complete the following sessions of Safeguarding Training
- Induction Session which gives you an understanding of what a Parish Safeguarding Officer does and as a result of attending the training you will be equipped with all the tools you need to carry out this role successfully. For details of the next induction session please contact either Debbie Doran or Karen Williams (see contact details listed below).
- Basic and Foundation Training which can be completed online via the Church of England Safeguarding portal – Safeguarding Training Portal (
- Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse which can be completed online via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal – Safeguarding Training Portal (
- Safer Recruitment and People Management which can be completed online via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal – Safeguarding Training Portal (
- Leadership Training which is delivered over 2 sessions by the Diocese Safeguarding Team. For details of dates and venues please contact Debbie Doran or Karen Williams
DBS Requirements for Parish Safeguarding Officers
For guidance on the DBS requirements for a Parish Safeguarding Officer use the following link – DBS checks for Parish Safeguarding Officers
Reporting to the PCC
The PCC is responsible for ensuring that all churches comply with Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment policy and practice. Where there are gaps in compliance the PCC must take any necessary action to support the churches to rectify non-compliance.
For the PCC to be assured that it is carrying out its Safeguarding responsibilities it must have good quality and regular information from the sub-committee or PSO (depending on structure) and from the clergy.
We have produced guidance regarding reporting to PCC and a pro-forma you can use to report to the PCC. To download the guidance and pro-forma please click here.
Continued Support for you
We know that those who take on the role of Parish Safeguarding Officer are volunteers, often balancing these responsibilities with other work and commitments. It can be hugely demanding and therefore the Diocesan Safeguarding Team is always here to help and support you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help or guidance. The Safeguarding Team details are:
Andy Holmes, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – telephone 07940 378139 or email:
Mick Murphy, Deputy Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – telephone 07376 431466 or email:
Karen Williams, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – telephone 07946 189061 or email:
Debbie Doran, Safeguarding Support – contact of issues relating to Safer Recruitment, DBS, Parish Safeguarding Officer Support, Lead and Additional Recruitment Information. Hours of work – Tuesday and Wednesday 8.30 am-5.30 pm. Tel 0151 705 2124 or email: