Our Diocesan News Bulletin
We usually deliver our bulletin on a Friday to more than around 3,500 people weekly. You’ll receive the latest news, events, and useful resources.
The Bulletin is put together and edited by the Diocese Communications Team.
Articles in the Bulletin can usually be found on:
- Our News section of the website
- The Church of England website
- The website of the originator’s article
All articles are written and edited in good faith. Some articles featured do not reflect the views of the Diocese as a whole but the person who has written the article.
Sign up to our email Bulletin
Liverpool Diocese Bulletin Schedule
- Usually weekly from 2nd Friday in January to mid-July (currently fortnightly)
- Break from mid-July to early-September
- Weekly from early-September
Liverpool Diocese Bulletin Article Submission
Got an article or story you’d like to share? Send your submission to the Communications Team.
E: communciations@liverpool.anglican.org
You’ll need to include:
- Around 300 words (we call this copy) describing what’s happened or happening.
- An image, preferably landscape. Please make sure you have permission and copyright in place to make sure we can use it.
Liverpool Diocese Bulletin Vacancy Submission
If you’d like to advertise your vacancy in the Bulletin please send all the information to the Central Services Team including:
- Job title
- Salary
- Overview of the role
- Contract type
- Links to the job description
- Closing date
- How to apply.
Please note: if you don’t provide all the relevant information you may risk the role not being included in the Bulletin edition you’d like.
Liverpool Diocese Bulletin Deadlines
All submissions need to be with the relevant teams by Wednesday lunchtime of the week, you’d like your submission to appear. If you don’t keep to the deadline you risk your article or vacancy not being included in the Bulletin edition you’d like. But please bear in mind that sending a submission does not automatically mean your article, vacancy or event will be included.
The Communications Team reserve the right to exercise their discretion to not include any article, event or vacancy. This may be due to content, missed deadline or team capacity.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: The Bulletin is our newsletter. It’s an emailer that people in the Diocese of Liverpool can subscribe to. It’s sent out Fridays of most weeks.
A: You should receive the Bulletin most weeks but we do take some breaks during the summer and Christmas period. During the summer, you will be able to sign-up for a Rule of Life Challenge, which the Communications Team also support.
A: We’re really sorry you no longer want to receive the Bulletin. At the bottom of each edition, you’ll find an unsubscribe link. Just click through and follow the instructions.
A: There may be a number of reasons why you’re not getting the Bulletin. Firstly, check your SPAM folder and see if it’s been delivered there. You may need to review your SPAM filters to allow the emailer into your inbox. You’ll also need to check that once you’ve signed up, you’ve confirmed your subscription. This should come into your inbox. Again, you’ll need to check your SPAM or Junk Mail folder.