We want to make sure that anyone can feel confident to report bad or poor practice in relation to any part of the Diocese of Liverpool.
We want to make sure that anyone can feel confident to report any bad or poor practice in relation to any part of the Diocese of Liverpool. We feel this is really important for our safeguarding area as the poor practice may be abusive or neglectful. We want to make sure that everyone knows that they can raise concerns and these will be heard and dealt with. We also accept that sometimes a complainant may need to go outside of their work environment or the diocese to raise legitimate concerns.
We have a clear policy to enable people to whistle-blow and protect those who do.
If the issue does not relate to safeguarding issues then the Assistant Diocesan Secretary will investigate it in the first instance. Email Stuart.haynes@liverpool.anglican.org
Why you may want to whistleblow
You may have several legitimate reasons for whistleblowing. These include, but are not limited to
- Preventing the problem from getting worse
- Preventing the problem from affecting more people
- Reducing the risks to others and protect them from harm
- Preventing becoming implicated in bad practice
We are aware that some may fear the consequences of speaking out. To protect people we adopt the standards and approach set out in the Public Disclosure Act (1998) which seeks to protect the disclosure of
- A criminal offence or failure to meet a legal obligation
- Endangering health and safety
- Risk of environmental damage
- Someone deliberately concealing this activity.
How you can whistleblow
If you have a concern you should speak up as soon as possible. You need to be as specific as you can about your concerns, the bad practice you have observed or the behaviour you have seen. The more detail you can give the better – this will include as many facts, dates, times and history. We will not be able to rely on rumour or opinion.
You will need to put your concerns to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser in the first instance. You can raise concerns anonymously. As a whistleblower, you will not be expected to prove the truth of your concern. The action we can take as an organisation will depend on how far we can assert the credibility of the concern.
What happens when you have whistle blown
We will thoroughly investigate your concern. If it relates to a safeguarding issue we will give it the utmost priority. We will involve statutory or partner agencies where needed. If it relates to safeguarding children or adults then our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser will lead the investigation.
So long as we are not breaching confidentiality we will give as much information to the whistleblower regarding our progress with enquiries
We will not take action against a whistleblower if their concern proves unfounded but they raised it in good faith. We will treat malicious allegations very seriously.
If you have concerns
Then contact our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Andy Holmes:
tel:07940 378139 or email: Andrew.holmes@liverpool.anglican.org