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General Enquiries

The support staff for the LDBF are based at

St James’ House
20 St James Road
Liverpool, L1 7BY

Tel. 0151 709 9722

St James’ House staff provide vital services to parishes. Our aim is to work together to make it easier for parishes, clergy and parish officers.

For help and advice please fill in the form below.

Press and Media

For any press and media enquiries please fill in the form below.

Bishops and Senior Clergy

Right Reverend Beverley A. Mason

Archdeacon of Liverpool

Archdeacon of Knowsley and Sefton

Archdeacon of St Helens and Warrington

Liverpool Cathedral

Cathedral Dean and Dean of Liverpool

Making a complaint

We expect our clergy to maintain high standards of behaviour but we know on occasion this may not happen. We hope that most problems can be resolved informally.

However formal complaints can be made by using the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003.

If you wish to make an informal or formal complaint then contact The Bishop of Liverpool’s office via the form below.