We are committed to delivering high-quality training for clergy and parishes.   

The Church of England’s Safeguarding Learning & Development provides a framework for safeguarding training which sets out details of the Church’s safeguarding learning pathways and the expectations of those pathways. 

For details of what role requires which level of training please download the following: Who needs what level of training  Safeguarding training should be updated every 3 years, and set out below are the details of the training pathways available.

We are committed to making sure that officers and volunteers in our parishes have the right level of training. It is PCC’s responsibility to make sure that these duties are fulfilled. 

This course will connect the core principles and practices of Safeguarding to the Christian Faith and can be completed by anyone wanting or needing a Basic Awareness of Safeguarding. You can complete the course online at The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

The Foundation course builds on the learning gained on the Basic Awareness course and helps connect an understanding of good safeguarding practice in relation to your role and responsibilites. You can complete the course online at The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

This course is designed for all those who play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church. Prior to completing Leadership Training participants should complete or have completed the Basic and Foundation course online. Leadership training consists of two training sessions and is now being delivered by the Safeguarding Team via zoom and face to face.   Before attending this course you will be required to work through some pre-reading material which will be sent via email once you have booked to attend a leadership course.  

Clergy and Readers will be sent directly via email details of the training, the dates available and booking links. 

Leadership training for Parish Safeguarding Officers, Church Wardens & for those who have overall responsibility for running youth groups and childrens groups is available – please contact Debbie Doran or Karen Williams for details 

This two hour session will explore and reflect on the safeguarding dimensions involved in the ministry of those who hold PtO (whose role does not meet Leadership training criteria).  Before attending the course you will be required to work through some pre-reading material which will be sent via email once you have booked to attend Permission to Officiate training. Prior to completing PtO Training participants should complete or have completed the Basic and Foundation course online.

Course dates available and booking links will be sent directly via email to those with PtO

This 2 hour course is specifically designed for all new in post Parish Safeguarding Officers and will be delivered by the Diocese Safeguarding Team.  It will give you an understanding of what a Parish Safeguarding Officer does and as a result of attending the training you will be equipped with all the tools you need to carry out this role successfully. 

Prior to attending the course you will be required to work through some pre read material which will be sent once you have registered to attend Parish Safeguarding Officer Training.  In addition you should also have completed the basic and foundation online safeguarding training which can be accessed using this link: https://safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org/

For details of the next available induction session please contact Debbie Doran or Karen Williams 

This course explores the scope of safer recruitment procedures in the church context for all paid staff and volunteers.  It is available online via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal: The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal 

The Safeguarding Team will also be delivering this training as a face to face session – please contact Debbie Doran or Karen Williams for details. 

Will equip participants to engage thoughtfully and proactively with the issue of domestic abuse and those affected by it.  This course available oneline via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal: The Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

The Safeguarding Team will also be delivering this training as a face-to-face session, please contact Debbie Doran or Karen Williams for

This course from the Clewer Initiative Charity aims to provide a general undertanding of modern day slavery and human trafficking and how you can recognise and respond to concerns relating to it. The course is free of charge and can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.

For further information or queries relating to training please contact The Safeguarding Team via email: safeguarding.team@liverpool.anglican.org