We have two dashboards to paint this picture:

  • an Attendance Dashboard
  • a Finance Dashboard.

We personalise your Dashboards for your parish using the information you give us in annual returns and finance reports. We encourage you and your PCC to engage with your dashboards and use them to make important decisions about your parish’s future direction.


This shows:

  • your church’s patterns of attendance on a Sunday and in the week;
  • the impact of any fresh expressions you support;
  • how well attended your pastoral and festival services are.

This offers:

  • a clear analysis of your finances, working from the figures you have provided;
  • some challenging questions to help you identify challenges and opportunities, reflect and take action to prepare and manage your budget.

We encourage you and your PCC to use the attendance and finance dashboards as a basis for your prayerful reflections and conversations about sustainability and growth. The dashboards will help you reflect on:

  • major trends
  • issues to address
  • opportunities to grasp
  • what to celebrate
  • challenges to focus on
  • maintaining a sustainable and growing Christian presence in your community.

These dashboards are tools for mission, to make it easier for you to understand your numbers and help you grow as a church community. Please use them for positive, creative discussions at your mission committee, finance committee, church council or wherever you feel the conversation will work best.

Please contact our Resources Team on 0151 705 2180 or email resources.team@liverpool.anglican.org