At an extraordinary meeting of synod members voted by 64 for, 4 against and 1 abstention to endorse the motion that
“that this Synod i) approves and endorses the direction of travel set out for the Diocese of Liverpool in paper DS24/17 and ii) supports this as a basis for a bid for significant funding resources to SMMIB”
We are now working towards finalising the papers to be sent to the Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board for their consideration.
Over the next month, we aim to send further communication to help our diocese understand the details that are contained in our bid. We are particularly keen to show what the implications for deaneries and parishes are should our proposal receive funding.
Meanwhile, we continue to encourage all parishes and deaneries to pay their parish share in full as this remains the most important contribution to supporting our mission on the frontline.
You can read +John’s address to synod here
Prayer for our diocese
We thank you for the faithful people in every community in our diocese working to see a bigger church making a bigger difference.
We ask that as we consider our future, we reflect God’s purpose and desire so all this is Jesus Christ shaped. May the Christ who is revealed in his incarnation and resurrection form us, his followers, by his Spirit. May we recognise the value and potential of all, May we ask God to transform our lives and our church.
We pray for our diocese and the decision makers in the church as we discern our future. May we continue to be guided by your spirit and held in your arms as we look to the future.