Local decision-making is at the heart of Fit for Mission. With each church and community existing in its unique context, local people like you must be the ones who are exploring, navigating and deciding the future path for your local parish.

Once the churches in each deanery have decided if they’d like to begin ‘acting as if’ they are a larger parish, a change facilitator and change leader will be appointed.  The change leader will work with a local Navigation team to coordinate the change and make sure communication is effective. The Navigation team will begin developing a range of teams who will work on the detail of how churches will work in the future.

We know that different people have different gifts, skills and talents, so we hope that if you’d like to be part of shaping your local parish’s future, you may consider joining a team, as a mix of both clergy and lay people is important.

You can find out more about the different teams, and tasks they’ll handle below.

The Navigation Team

Together, team members co-ordinate and oversee the transition from individual, smaller parishes to the new, larger parish. They ensure that good communication is taking place, in the early days from this team, and later from a Comms team. The Navigation team prays together, listens to all stakeholders in the current parishes, discusses and ensures the project moves forward.

The Communications Team

This team develops, creates and distributes all comms to update on the transition, publicise events and develop communication across our community. With our diverse rural and urban communities in mind, we’d love to see some innovative ideas developed along with traditional comms. this team needs a variety of skill sets, creativity and the ability to communicate with care and accuracy.

The Buildings Team

With support from a building’s specialist, this team co-ordinates a process of gathering soft and hard data, building inspections, workshops and vision conversations. It aims to fully consider the buildings in each participating parish, how they are currently used and other ways in which they could be used. It also looks at their sustainability.

The process takes time and requires input from people in each current parish. Team members should understand buildings, their relationship to the opportunity and needs of the local community and worshipping communities and be able to understand and make recommendations from large quantities of different types of data.

The Finance Team

This team oversees the transition to centralised finances, with support and guidance from the FfM team. This team will be trained in using specific systems and software, to understand and adhere to the legal compliance involved and will also be aware of individual church and congregations’ needs.

The Finance Team Leader should have finance oversight experience and knowledge. Team members might have book-keeping / treasurer experience. Together, they will make proposals and create processes that make the financial and practical running of our worshipping communities and new parish more streamlined.

The Cultivate Team

Passionate about mission, justice and reaching our local communities, the team work closely with the Fit for Mission Cultivate Team to train and release others into their potential. This includes organising and eventually facilitating ongoing Pyramid Reviews, Shape Courses and Cultivate Programmes.

The Growth Team

This team develops the mission plan each year, looking for ways to reach out more into our community and grow the church. They will consider the community, justice and missional activities already happening in our communities and look at how we can work together to develop these further as well as propose and develop new growth activities. The Growth Team leader will be a strategic, missional thinker and enabler. Team members will be passionate about community, justice and missional activity and understand the diversity of our local communities.

The Support Services Development Team

This team will initially develop a proposal for a single support services function for the larger Parish. Alongside the day to day administrative support, there are statutory services and important compliance activities and checks that need to be enacted. This team will cover a large array of significant activity. The Support Services Change Leader will have change and administrative process experience. Team members will have administrative and process understanding and skills.


The larger Parish PCC will operate under current Church Representation Rules as normal.
However, because of the size of the Parish, the nature of PCC meetings will feel different to the smaller Parish PCCs that we are used to.  The meetings will focus on governance (employment, finance, safeguarding and buildings) and may feel more akin to a medium sized charity trustees meeting, rather than dealing with matters to do with the day-to-day activities in local worshipping communities.

The PCC members will be responsible for governance of the whole Parish, for working for the good of all churches / worshipping communities, and for resourcing ministry across the whole Parish.  They will take this wider responsibility seriously and will not be representing the church / worshipping community that they attend.  The new PCC will be particularly concerned to champion diversity of forms of worship, ecclesiology and justice in all parts of the larger Parish.

Clergy Leadership Team

This team will work with the Rector to deliver structured and purposeful priestly leadership for the development of the mission and ministry of the larger parish. For week-by-week activity the CLT will be accountable to each other and to the Rector. The Rector will be accountable to the Archdeacon. The CLT will be accountable to and liaise with the PCC, through the Rector and two other clergy members of the PCC.

Membership and roles

  • All the stipendiary clergy of the larger parish will be members of the CLT.
  • Other clergy (SSMs) may be invited at the discretion of the Rector and in reference to their working agreement.
  • Retired clergy will not be members of the CLT, but will engage in specific areas of ministry through the work of other teams and by agreement.
  • The CLT will be led by the Rector.

Portfolio Ministry teams will facilitate a new, collaborative approach across the larger parish; they will share expertise and resource to enable more ministry to happen in more places.

With a focus on the four priorities, specific areas of ministry will be identified by local leadership (i.e. clergy leadership teams and FfM Navigation Teams) to be co-ordinated parish-wide; obvious examples could be discipleship, youth work, children’s work, and chaplaincy.

Portfolio Teams will function in one of two ways:

  • They may be tasked with both developing strategy and the actual delivery of an area of ministry across the larger parish.  An example could be a ‘youth portfolio’ where activities were planned and delivered by a team operating parish-wide; or
  • They might focus on developing a strategy, overseeing and resourcing local volunteers to deliver ministry in local settings.  An example of this might be ‘toddler groups’, where the portfolio team would ensure the ministry is resourced across the larger parish, but delivered locally by members of individual of the worshipping communities.

Head and shoulders image of Richard Gedge, Diocesan Programme ManagerHead and shoulders image of Darren Draper, Transformation ManagerHead and shoulders image of David Banbury, Engagement Manager
Richard Gedge – Diocesan Programme ManagerDarran Draper – Transformation ManagerDavid Banbury – Engagement Manager
Head and shoulders image of Emma Potter, Data and Reporting AnalystHead and shoulders image of Gill Dottie, Programme Administrator Head and shoulders image of Jess Corcoran, Communications Manager
Emma Potter – Data and Reporting Analyst Gill Dottie – Programme Administrator Jess Corcoran – Communications Manager


Head and shoulders image of Frank Hinds, Cultivate LeadHead and shoulders image of Kate Eaglestone, Cultivate and Justice CoachHead and shoulders image of Penny Stradling, Cultivate Coach
Frank Hinds – Cultivate LeadKate Eaglestone – Cultivate and Justice CoachPenny Stradling – Cultivate Coach
Head and shoulders image of James Green, Together Liverpool Executive Director  
James Green – Together Liverpool Executive Director 


Head and shoulders image of Suzanne Matthews, Lead Change Facilitator and Director of VocationsHead and shoulders image of Lisa Gilligan, Change FacilitatorHead and shoulders image of Andrea Urquhart, Change Facilitator
Suzanne Matthews – Lead Change Facilitator
and Director of Vocations
Lisa Gilligan – Change FacilitatorAndrea Urquhart – Change Facilitator
Head and shoulders image of Ann Cheung, Change FacilitatorHead and shoulders image of Clayton Rowe, Change Facilitator 
Ann Cheung – Change Facilitator Clayton Rowe – Change Facilitator 


Head and shoulders image of Craig Walker, Buildings Strategy ManagerHead and shoulders image of Norman Bilsborough, Buildings Release OfficerHead and shoulders image of Richard Bennett, Fundraising Coordinator
Craig Walker – Buildings Strategy Manager Norman Bilsborough – Buildings Release OfficerRichard Bennett – Fundraising Coordinator 
Head and shoulders image of Tom Rickwood, Church Buildings Support Officer  
Tom Rickwood – Church Buildings Support Officer  


Head and shoulders image of Rachel Patterson, Support Services IT Development OfficerHead and shoulders image of Andrew Thurston - Finance Transition LeadHead and shoulders image of Mara Livingstone, Project Administrator for Warrington
Rachel Patterson – Support Services
IT Development Officer
Andrew Thurston – Finance Transition LeadMara Livingstone – Project Administrator for Warrington
Head and shoulders image of Jessica Forrester, Project Administrator for Liverpool SouthHead and shoulders image of Abigail Birch Price, Project administrator for Toxteth and Wavertree
Jessica Forrester – Project Administrator for Liverpool SouthAbigail Birch Price – Project administrator for Toxteth and Wavertree


Head and shoulders image of Ann Cheung, Change FacilitatorHead and shoulders image of Tim Montgomery - Missional Lead Development OfficerHead and shoulders image of Alan Taylor, Leadership Coach
Ann Cheung – Coaching Lead and Team CoachTim Montgomery – Leadership CoachAlan Taylor – Leadership Coach
Head and shoulders image of Nic Harding, Leadership Coach
Nic Harding – Leadership CoachRuth Hassall – Leadership Coach

The Bishops of Liverpool and Warrington have the authority and episcopal oversight of Fit for Mission. The Diocesan Secretary is the Programme Lead responsible for oversight of implementation and coordination with Archdeacons.  The Bishop of Warrington chairs the Fit for Mission board, The Diocesan Programme Manager has responsibility for delivery and coordination, supported by the programme’s Transformation Manager.


Contact fitformission@liverpool.anglican.org for more information about Fit for Mission

Together we can be Fit for Mission