We know that it’s important you have everything you need when deciding whether to join the Fit for Mission journey. We hope that this section will provide you with all the information you need on both the vision and requirements of the programme, alongside practical information covering some key questions and topics.

As a diocese, we’re asking God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference and we believe that Fit for Mission is the discerned path to achieve this.
Becoming fitter and stronger to do God’s work is not about becoming a homogenised group but is instead about embracing our locality and rich diversity, supporting each other as we work towards our missional priorities, tackle key challenges and grow closer together as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Working in this way brings many benefits to you, your church and your community. This includes greater support and collegiality for clergy members, who traditionally, remain quite isolated. There will also be a streamlined approach to governance, freeing up time for mission and ministry. We can also improve our administration capabilities, and the ability to work as a wider area on strategic mission portfolios, like youth and children’s work.
We hope and pray for thriving church communities, run by local leadership teams made up of passionate and skilled individuals who will help drive local mission and ministry. They’ll be supported by a committed team rector, and a wider PCC, who’ll look after governance tasks. We envision clergy building strong relationships with each other, as they work together, providing mutual support and accountability. They’ll be free to focus on mission and ministry, while a skilled support services team focus on administration. Fit for Mission will enable us to work closer together, share our rich diversity of experience, tradition and skills, and tackle some key challenges, as we work towards a bigger church to make a bigger difference.
Here you will find pages on the following:
- Key questions
- Key topics (like governance, finance and PCCs)
- The programme journey
- Programme Chronology
- Teams and tasks
- Resources
For more information on why Fit for Mission is a priority for the Diocese of Liverpool, please watch the video below