We want you to be clear with regard to the details of your stipend and the particular benefits you receive.

If you cannot find what you need here, then please email archdeacons@liverpool.anglican.org 

The SOP is a list of main rights and duties similar to what would be found in a contract of employment. The SOP states the obligations and rights of ecclesiastical office holders that are conferred through the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure and Regulation 29.

The Statement of Particulars gives details of how you may terminate your appointment.  It also details how the appointment may be terminated under Section 3 of the Measure, which states office held under Common Tenure may only be terminated because of:

•   resignation
•   capability
•   following disciplinary proceedings under the Clergy Discipline Measure or the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure
•   death
•   reaching retirement age
•   the post coming to an end because of pastoral reorganisation
•   when the office holder is a priest in charge when the vacancy ends
•   the appointment is for a fixed term under Regulation 29.

Any changes to your SOP will be notified to you within one month of their coming into effect either by the issue of a revised SOP or a letter detailing the change(s). An example of a change might be if there was a change agreed either by the diocese, or required due to a statutory change, that required an amendment to sick leave entitlement. On a more individual basis, it might be that you have agreed a change in where you reside if the position provided housing and this would initiate a change in your SOP to update the details.

The SOP will make reference to this document. The Role Description is a document that outlines the key duties and outcomes for an individual role. If you have more than one role you will have a role description and SOP for each role.

Role Descriptions are not a requirement of Common Tenure but are encouraged and as a diocese we are committed to ensuring that each member of clergy has a Role Description.  These will be developed in consultation with each clergy member, and through engagement with the parish (or elsewhere if the role demands). Periodically they will be reviewed to ensure they are always up to date.

Role Descriptions will be a key document for each of you as they will guide your ministry on a day-to-day basis, as well as the longer-term development of your ministry. They will be a key document in your Ministerial Development Review.

The pattern of work will be stated in your SOP. The regulations provide an entitlement to a minimum uninterrupted rest period of 24 hours within any 7 days. This is an entitlement and the Diocese strongly encourages you to take this.

However, the Bishop has stated that he would prefer to see the following:

  • that in one week a month clergy take two days off, except in months when you take holiday
  • that within each of the remaining weeks clergy should aim to have one light day per week, in addition to a day off per week
  • that clergy take a concentrated rest period of two hours each day.

We will not require clergy to take this, but we regard it as important to ensure good health and an appropriate balance in your life.

You are entitled to take 36 days leave per year plus 8 days for Bank Holidays or in lieu of Bank Holidays where the Bank Holiday falls on your normal rest day or a day where you are required to be on duty. This will be pro-rata for part time posts. For illustration, a week’s leave will use six days leave. No more than six Sundays should be taken in one year as leave, and no more than three consecutive Sundays.

Your SOP will inform you of days when leave or rest days must not be taken. These will normally be Christmas Day, Epiphany, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday or Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Patronal Festivals and All Saints’ Day.

Leave should be notified in advance to your Churchwardens. Appropriate cover must be arranged for your period of leave.  If your period of leave is in excess of two weeks, you should also notify your Area Dean. In addition to these reporting requirements, you may well also wish to put in place local arrangements.  For example, in a team setting you would normally plan leave in consultation with other team members.

Annual Leave is not recorded by the Diocese but you are required to maintain a record of the dates you have taken as leave and provide this information if requested. The leave year operates from the 1st February to the 31st January. Leave not used in one year can only be carried over into the next year in exceptional circumstances and must be agreed with the Bishop.

Your SOP will detail whether or not you are entitled to a stipend. It provides details of how this is paid.

If you have any questions relating to your stipend please contact the DBF.

If you are a self-supporting minister, you may retain 50% of those parochial fees that are payable to the DBF. It is important to note that any fees received in relation to occasional offices taken are taxable and therefore need to be declared to HMRC.

Stipendiary ministers are not entitled to receive parochial fees.

Parochial expenses are paid by your PCC. Further information is available on the Church of England website, here.

When contacting the tax office, you should quote your National Insurance number and the Church Commissioners’ reference number 073/C16.

Then you need to contact the office most appropriate for your inquiry.

The Bradford Office: Centenary Court, 1 St Blaise Way, Bradford BD1 4YL Telephone: 0845 300 0627

responsible for the retired clergy in receipt of a clergy pension and those office holders who do not receive the Heating, Lighting and Cleaning tax allowance (non-stipendiary office holders and part-time stipendiary office holders).

The Cardiff Office: Public Department 1, Ty Glas, Llanishen, Cardiff CF14 5XZ  Telephone:02920 325048

handles enquires from full-time stipendiary office holders.

If you are unsure which tax office would deal with your query, please contact Payroll Services (Clergy Team) at the Church Commissioners on 020 7898 1615 who will be able to advise.

Learn more on the HMRC website

Details on pensions for stipendiary posts are available via the Church of England, here. 

You can also contact the Church of England Pensions Board at:

29 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3PS

Telephone: 020 7898 1800

Grants are available for a variety of purposes.

Grants are available to clergy for a range of events, such as removal and settlement, and are also are available to support Continuing Ministerial Education.

In addition, there are a range of grants which clergy can apply for in times of financial difficulty. Contact your Archdeacon for further information.

Once you have come to a decision to retire, you need to have a conversation with your Archdeacon, as well as offering your formal resignation – in writing – to the Bishop.

You should decide the date you wish to take your last service in the parish. From this date you are entitled to 4 weeks’ additional stipend. This latter date becomes your last day of paid service and will be the date that you notify to the Pensions Board.

If you are residing in tied accommodation, then you receive an additional month from the last day of paid service to tidy up and then vacate the property.  If you require longer than this, then it is for discussion through your Archdeacon and Clergy Housing, but you should be aware that a rental will be charged for any additional weeks.