Talking Money: Best Practices

Below is a list of the methods and packages that, through extensive experience and research in our diocese and the National Giving Team, we recommend that your church use in order to encourage, facilitate and manage church finances.

Please get in touch with the Resources Team if you would like training on any of the areas mentioned below, or need any support with your church finances and governance, digital giving, stewardship or generosity programs. We have a wide range or expertise within the team and are always happy to answer any questions you have, either in-person or over video/phone call.

Primarily for parishes currently on the Diocesan Gift Aid Scheme & Fit For Mission churches, we provide an introduction to cloud-based software also from Data Developments. The team will get you familiar with and comfortable using MyGiving.Online making Gift Aid recording and claiming easier than ever before with ongoing help and support always available.

Please see our refresher videos:

    1. Logging on to MyGiving.Online
    2. One-off gifts: How to add, amend & delete
    3. GASDS (Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme): How to add, amend & delete
    4. How to add, amend & delete a giver’s record
    5. How to add in grid donations for many givers at once
    6. Checking your work and producing a claim report
    7. How to make a claim with HMRC

To register your interest in using the software and training with us, please contact from the Resources Team at St James’ House.

MyFundAccounting.Online is powerful, cloud-based software from church and charity specialists Data Developments. Using this software is cost-effective, with Diocesan support guaranteed.

Hear about how it has been impactful for Church Wigan here.

Training is available: Over two sessions in person at St James’ House, this training course will provide a working overview and get you (and your treasurer team if you have one) started with MyFundAccounting. Top quality software, tried and tested and costs just £5 a month.

Training is in person at St James’ House in Liverpool; please bring your own laptop, tea and coffee will be available.

To register your interest in a place on this training please email Gordon Fath from the Resources Team at St James’ House

Give A Little is online and contactless giving software that enables a creative interface for making donations to your church. It is subsidised by the Church of England through our Parish Buying partnerships and is free for all parishes to use if they are registered through Parish Buying (normally it would cost £7.50 per month). We would suggest that churches looking for an affordable and reliable solution to contactless giving use the GiveALittle software.

SumUp integrates with GiveALittle to become your ‘payment processor’ or ‘merchant account’ to take payments using the software, and deliver them to your bank. They are also partnered with Parish Buying, securing discounted transaction fees of 1.1-1.3% on each transaction.

Implementing good practice looks like;

Switching it on! It may sound extremely obvious… however it does occur that contactless devices are left to collect dust rather than donations!

Personalise the ask Give A Little gives you the option to create a bespoke background for the donation screen on your contactless device – make the most of it! Tailor your screen to celebrate the theme of your service, liturgical season or fundraising ask.

Learn as you go log-in to Give A Little and look for trends in the donations made. Are you seeing more or fewer donations at your busiest service? Is your device best placed or does it need to be more prominent? Do you need an additional device for your church hall? Have you received any large donations at services and how can you encourage that?

Share your tips send in your stories of how contactless giving works for you in your context and help us learn how to navigate the Christian-Digital-Giving world together!

For guidance and advice on all aspects of digital giving please contact Lucia Miller, Digital Giving Officer from the Resources Team at St James’ House.


The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is the best way for givers to make their gift to your church, both spiritually and practically. For our personal discipleship, the Parish Giving Scheme draws upon the Biblical principle of ‘firstfruits’ to make our gift via Direct Debit on the 1st of each month. We choose to honour God with the first of what we receive, and even for those who do not receive their pay at the beginning of the month, this act is symbolic of how we honour God with our wealth.

Implementing good practice looks like;

Making PGS Primary – A step you can take is to make PGS the standard way to give in your church, by stopping all communications about alternative ways to give such as envelopes and Standing Orders. This may feel counter-intuitive, don’t more options enable more people to give? The reality is that the PGS is the most efficient for your givers and your church, and by joining something new gives people the opportunity to prayerfully review their giving. Additionally, in our diocese gifts are higher in value when made through the PGS.

Offertory Prayers – Thanking God for gifts given both in-person and digitally by Direct Debit in each of your main services helps embed the ritual importance of giving thanks regularly to God for His provision and goodness, and asking for His blessing on the finances to do more than we can ask or imagine. You can find example offertory prayers on the Parish Resources website here

Literature (Flyers, pew cards) – You will find resources to publicise the PGS on our web page. These can be personalised to your church or parish to help givers relate the challenge of stewardship to your context. See the Parish Giving Scheme page.

Preaching – Preaching about the importance of giving, and the best way for people to make their gift, is beneficial for everyone. Your church community should hear about the benefits of the PGS and how it impacts your church and its volunteers, but more importantly how it enables us to respond to the grace of God in our lives.

If you would like to know more about how you can maximise the use of PGS in your church, develop resources or relaunch the scheme, please do get in touch with Lucia Miller by email from the Resources Team at St James’ House.

Giving in Grace is a website fully-equipped to take your church through the planning, execution and review of a Stewardship program. We recommend every church takes a considered and prayerful approach to preaching and teaching on generosity, and delivers a series of sermons, prayers and creative activities to help everyone reflect on their personal giving. *A new Giving in Grace website and a revamped programme will be launched in early 2025*

The Resources Team are regularly developing resources for churches to reflect on generosity. See the Generous Seasons pages for materials related to the liturgical seasons.

For guidance and advice on all aspects of good stewardship practice please contact Steve Pierce by email at from the Resources Team at St James’ House.