Just like every fingerprint, each one of us is unique. And so is God’s call to each of us. The Bible says each of us is shaped by God’s purpose for us. He knows us and He calls us. He calls every Christian to serve Him in different ways, at different times of life and in different places.
In 2024 we launched our brand new LifeCall website, which can be found here.
It doesn’t mean that you always know for sure just what you are called to do in and with your life.
Sometimes confusing, sometimes scary but often persistent – God’s call can be hard to understand, hard to know, hard to discover and that’s where LifeCall comes in.
Our LifeCall events will help you find your unique calling to fulfil God’s will and purpose for you and to make the mark that only you can make.
To find out more, to chat to someone or to come along to one of our LifeCall events, please email
Directions course
This tried and tested interactive course is perfect for Christians who want to find out what God’s call on their life is and will equip them for the ministry he has for them.
Vocations Team
Suzanne Matthews
Director of Vocations
Suzanne is working with the Vocations Team to promote, encourage, and nurture various lay and ordained vocations. This work takes place within the rapidly changing context of the national and local church. Together with the team, she aims to ensure that vocational opportunities allow people called by God to be released into roles with appropriate support and training.
The team’s efforts focus on supporting the deepening of discipleship journeys for all of God’s people. Additionally, they seek to increase the number and variety of Christian leaders who can guide others in introducing people to God and actively participating in seeking God’s justice in the world.
Suzanne also holds a role as a Change Facilitator in the St Helens Fit for Mission project. She is eager to connect the exciting opportunities for lay and ordained vocations within this context. Suzanne looks forward to actively seeking God’s guidance for the future of the Church and the communities she and the team care about. She is excited to work with those who are seeking, loving, and serving God in their parishes, families, workplaces, and networks.
Sam Stanford
Vocations Coordinator
Sam works to provide a range of support and opportunities for exploring and developing lay vocations and ministries. She facilitates the Directions course which is a course for anyone across the diocese who would like to explore how God may be calling them to use their gifts, skills and passion for in the world and the church.
Sam develops LifeCall events which provide opportunities to explore specific ministries across a whole spectrum of ways to serve in Christian ministry. She also provides pastoral and training support for our commissioned Local Missional Leaders and Reader selection process and Readers in training. Sam continues to work closely with Bob Banton, Learning Manager for Post-Licencing Reader training and CPD.
Sam enjoys spending time with people as they explore and develop in what God is calling them into next, she’s looking forward to meeting more new people to help and support them in their seeking, listening, development and next steps.
Rev Frank Hinds
Cultivate Lead
Rev Frank Hinds is working directly with the first cohort of Fit for Mission parishes, with Kate Eaglestone, to deliver and develop the Cultivate Pathway in partnership with the local Growth Team. Together they are helping the new larger parishes engage deeper in a journey of missional discipleship which is available to everyone.
This work brings together the hopes to start many diverse new worshipping communities and justice initiatives with a refreshed mission plan for the new parish. Those who engage with this journey may find at various stages that they link to other areas of our vocational opportunities and will be supported as they develop in their new roles by the wider Vocations Team.
Frank is really looking forward to working in St Helens and West Derby to support the growth and development of emerging lay leaders and those who will begin and join new worshipping communities.
Rev Harry Wood
Diocesan Director of Ordinands
Harry takes responsibility within the Vocations Team for ensuring that our vision for the continuing flourishing of ordained ministry is realised for both priestly ministry and for the distinctive diaconate within the developing landscape of Fit for Mission larger single parishes. Harry is the key link to the national vocations team whilst leading and supporting our local DDO team.
Harry particularly works with candidates for ordination in the second stages of their discernment process including preparation for panels, working with the outcomes of national selection processes, agreeing training pathways and liaising with theological colleges.
Harry is looking forward to strengthening links with our theological education partners, and developing vocational pathways for distinctive deacons. He is looking forward to meeting more people who God is calling to ordained ministry and working with them into the future.
Harry is inhabiting this role alongside his ministry as a parish priest in St Helens.
Rev Michelle Goodwin
Learning Manager for Ministry Development
Michelle will be taking oversight of the development of training and development opportunities for ordained and lay leaders. She will work collaboratively to develop a framework of learning that provides simple, staged ways for our leaders to continue to develop in the skills needed for mission and ministry in the future.
Michelle will continue to work with Rev Steve Pierce, Director of Learning and Resources on all areas related to learning and development. She will be helping to support individuals and teams in embedding ongoing development of skills and understanding to be able to fulfil the missional priorities we are committed to.
Michelle is looking forward to learning from the developments of the Cultivate pathway on the ground, listening to the current and future needs of lay and ordained leaders to ensure they can be equipped and supported as God continues to guide and call individuals and communities.
Michelle is inhabiting this role alongside her ministry as a curate in St Helens.
Do you have questions about vocation? Send us an email to speak with the Vocations team.