New Resources for Black History Month 2024

The theme for Black History Month 2024 is ‘Reclaiming Narratives’, it’s about sharing the stories that have been previously silenced or distorted. The stories we tell are important; they shape our perspective of ourselves, others and the world around us. As we continue to fight against racial prejudice both within our churches and in wider societies, hearing the stories of people impacted by racism helps us to prayerfully reflect on our part and take action to remove prejudice and invite all people to experience the love of God.
During this month the Racial Justice Team has been working with churches across the Diocese to host the Slavery & Repentance Exhibition. We are very grateful to those churches and communities that have committed to learning about the Church of England’s involvement in African enslavement and the impact the legacy of slavery continues to have on communities and expressions of the Christian faith. If you haven’t seen the exhibition yet, it will be on display at Up Holland Community Hub from Tuesday 15th – Sunday 27th October 2024.
As part of Black History Month the Church of England have made 3 racial justice films available for church communities and individuals to watch and discuss:
Visitor and Chocolate Digestive are short film monologues by West Yorkshire performer and poet Testament, exploring racism in the church.
After the Flood: the Church, Slavery and Reconciliation is a 67 min documentary which charts the roots and legacies of the 18th century church’s involvement in African chattel slavery and explores the routes to reconciliation.