The legal office for the Diocese of Liverpool

Our Registry services are provided by Mr Howard Dellar.

We want to make sure your enquiry is dealt with the right person so check this page to see what you should contact St James House staff about and when you should enquire directly with the registrar.

When you should contact St James House first

Faculties for works to churches and churchyards etc. 
As at present, where a parish wishes to carry out work to the church or churchyard contact should, in the first instance, be made with Chris Leggett the Administrator for the DAC at St James’ House on 0151 705 2122 or

Vacancies in benefices. 
Enquiries relating to vacancies in benefices should continue to be made to Jessica Howard, Appointments Secretary, on 0151 705 2178 or However, the Registry is ready to advise on the legal aspects of vacancies.

For details of patronage and church status contact Kim Stanley for a change of patronage the contact is the Registry.

Pastoral Reorganisation. 
For pastoral reorganisation contact Kim Stanley

Financial affairs of PCCs/DCCs. 
The first contact on annual accounts, charity registration and parochial finances should be directed to Gordon Fath

Elections and Church Representation Rules. 
The first point of contact is Pamela Ambrose, Executive Assistant to the Diocesan Secretary on 0151 705 2112 or

When you should contact the Registrar first

Faculties to reserve a grave space or for an exhumation. Immediate contact should be made with the Registry.

The issue of Common Marriage Licences and general enquiries concerning marriages in the churches of the Diocese should be made directly to the Registry, although background information is on our website

Clergy appointments. 
Enquiries concerning the appointment of clergy to their posts should be made to the Registry as the documentation for this is prepared in the Registry at the direction of the Bishop.

Parochial property. 
Enquires concerning parochial property or trusts may be made to the Registry but these may attract a fee.

For change of patronage the point of contact is the registry. For details of patronage and church status contact Kim Stanley

Other areas. 
The Registry will be pleased to receive enquiries from clergy, churchwardens and parish officers about any aspects of the areas listed above as well as enquiries over baptism, marriage, burial, churches & churchyards, PCC matters and the conduct of elections under the Church Representation Rules which cannot be answered elsewhere.