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On Sunday 9th February we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday. Established in 1995 following the murder of Stephen Lawrence in April 1993 this is a day for Christians across Britain and Ireland to collectively remember, reflect and respond to racial justice.  

We remember the importance of racial justice in our churches, schools and communities as we seek to live in ways that champion the inclusion of all people in God’s family. We reflect of the blessings of human diversity that have brought new perspectives, experiences, skill and talents to our shared life of faith. We collectively respond by committing ourselves once again to ending injustice through prayer and practical action.  

This year’s theme ‘Coat of Many Colours’ reflects the increasing diversity of the church; woven together like a beautiful tapestry we reflect the diversity of God’s creation in our gathered worship and shared community. This focus on the beauty of diversity reminds us that ethnic diversity is part of God’s plan; a celebration of the many ways we are all image bearers. Racial Justice Sunday is an opportunity to join with Christians from many different traditions, to give thanks for each other and to engage in the work of racial justice together.   

The resources available from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland include worship and liturgy resources, sermons and reflections to address the importance of inclusion in churches and the role of all Christians in engaging in racial justice work. There are also reading materials to let readers engage in their own racial justice journey’s. 

This year’s resource includes reflections and prayers on the Stations of the Cross to help you observe lent and pray for injustices around the world.  

We are encouraging churches in the Liverpool Diocese to mark Racial Justice Sunday on 9th February 2025. Download the resources below to get involved.   


Churches Together in Britain and Ireland – Racial Justice Sunday 2025   

Church of England Liturgical Resources for Racial Justice Sunday 


9 February


Liverpool Diocese