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MyFundAccounting.Online (MFAO) Training is lead by Gordon Fath, Resources Officer at the Diocese of Liverpool.

MFAO is cloud-based accounting software that produces in-depth accounting reports, supports budget spending and helps you manage separate funds within one system. MFAO is the diocesan recommended software package for finance management, and has already proved invaluable to many of our local Treasurers and finance volunteers.

This training takes place over three modules – this date is module 2 of 3 modules. (You will need to have completed module 1 to attend his course.)

All training will take place at St James’ House in the St Aidan’s centre, unless you are notified otherwise.

Please email Gordon.Fath@liverpool.anglican.org to book your place.

12 November
7:45 pm - 9:45 pm


St James’ House
20 Saint James Road
Liverpool, L1 7BY United Kingdom
+ Google Map