Apply now for a grant to help you kickstart a net zero carbon project

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Churches in Diocese of Liverpool area looking to reduce their carbon emissions can now apply for a Quick Wins grant to help launch a small project.

Grants of £5000 or less can be applied for to help fund small scale decarbonisation projects such as new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or updating electricity supplies.

The Quick Wins grant scheme is part of The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme, which aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions to net zero, as together we help care for God’s creation.

In our diocese the fund is open to churches who have committed to use the EFT (Energy Footprint Tool) to log your carbon footprint.

Progress your Eco Church journey – either you must hold an award, or be registered with ARocha to start on the Eco Church pathway

Applications are being considered on a rolling basis. Our diocese is currently inviting bids for 2024 between August 1st and November 31st. A further round of applications will be invited from February 1st 2025.

Diocesan Environmental Officer Phil Leigh who is also our NZC2030 Programme Lead, said: “We’re delighted to be offering these Quick Wins grants to support churches with your journey to net zero carbon.

“These are intended to help fund small scale decarbonisation projects such as new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or updating electricity supplies.

“Often a relatively small step can make a huge difference, so we’d encourage all churches to consider how these might help.

“It is easy to join our Net Zero Carbon 2030 programme. You’ll then be eligible to apply for a Quick Wins grant, so long as you are committed to logging your church’s carbon footprint via the EFT (Energy Footprint Tool), and are also registered with the ARocha Eco Church scheme.

“If you have any questions please reach out, and we’ll do all we can to help, as together we work to safeguard God’s creation.”

The Diocese of Liverpool’s Net Zero Carbon 2030 programme is kindly funded by the Benefact Trust, and is being delivered in partnership with Faiths4Change.

If you would like to find out more about applying please email Tom Rickwood, Church Buildings Support Officer to ask for an application pack.

You can also contact Phil to find out more about support available through the Net Zero Carbon 2030 programme: