Session 1 of Safeguarding Leadership Training for leaders of Children’s, Young People’s & Adults Groups
Leadership Safeguarding Training on Saturday 22nd February and Saturday 8th March from 9.30am-11.00am for Leaders of Children’s, Young People’s and vulnerable adult’s groups.
Course Outline
To pass the course you must complete all of the following components:
- Read through the participant’s workbook, complete and submit the preparation for session 1, seven days before the course commences. This involves completing answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 8 & 9 of the workbook.
- Attend two 2 hour sessions held two weeks apart
- Between sessions complete the session 2 preparations
- Complete the required evaluation tasks (details of these are included in the participants handbook) which need to be submitted no later than six weeks after the second session, to enable the Certificate of Attendance to be issued.
Please note you should also complete or have completed the online basic & foundation safeguarding training, which can be accessed via the Church of England training portal: https://safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org/ prior to attending Leadership Training as this session very much presumes you have completed both these courses.
Attendance at both sessions along with completion of the preparation tasks and an evaluation is essential in order to be issued with a certificate. The link to the participant’s workbook will be sent to you via Eventbrite on your booking confirmation.
Places are limited so please book early. You only need to make one booking to secure both sessions.
Please book a place via the Church of England Safeguarding Portal – https://safeguardingtraining.cofeportal.org/
For any further information, please email:safeguarding.team@liverpool.anglican.org